I just spent the last 48 minutes relishing voices from home. Voices of fellow Nazarene Missionaries, serving God in Spain. You see it has been a very rare thing to be able to download sermons from home during our time here in Papua New Guinea and this afternoon I found luck on my side as the power stayed on for six hours in a row in order to download Josh and Shannon Herndon’s sermon from a few weeks ago at NewportNaz.
My mind has been stewing lately on my ministry here in PNG. Though I love my time with my girls, my heart has been calling me to do something else in addition to caring for them. As I listened to Josh talk of their time in Spain and how God was revealing a new plan for them, I felt God asking me some of the same questions, “Where are you going? Why are you here?”
It can be so comfortable getting caught up in my daily tasks; wash the clothes, feed the kids, hang the laundry, change the baby, read a story, make the bread, wash the dishes, bake dinner, weed the garden, clean the house, sometimes even days go by when I don’t get outside my little haven here in Kudjip...but, I am beginning to notice, that those things, as necessary as they are, are once again keeping me inside my comfort zone. Keeping me from stretching myself, keeping me stagnant, eluding me from spiritual growth.

Yes, to everything there is a time and place under heaven. I have excepted that this season of my life is serving in my home, but I believe as Josh said, “God is faithful to those he calls.”
So, now I sit here and except that my “grace period” is over...it’s time to serve God’s people in Papua New Guinea and find a creative way to do it within this season of my life.
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone"
Galatians 6:9-10
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